Can you subscribe to hassle-free IT?

Yes, with a subscription with us you have access to free support and personal service as well as a security package that normally only large companies have access to.
Johan Lönnqvist Customer success and founder at Azeo

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Not ready for a subscription yet?

No problem! Test what we are going for. Big or small, our technicians can help you with what you need.
Bo Wallenberg

Incredibly satisfied customers

Our goal is for our customers to be the most satisfied IT customers in Sweden. Therefore, we must deliver, not just a service, but a delivery that exceeds expectations. So far, we have received 99.3% thumbs-up of this year's rated cases.

If we add an average response time of 67 seconds (phone and chat), we think we are performing quite well. But, better to ask what our existing customers think?

Satisfied customers
Average response time
Satisfied customers
Average response time
Satisfied customers
Average response time