Add your colleagues calendars to outlook

 ·  1 min read

Outlook on Mac

Do you want to access your colleagues' calendars in your Outlook app on Mac? Follow this quick guide!

1. Open Outlook

2. Click on "File" at the top left, then on "Open" > "Shared Calendar..."

3. Enter your colleague's calendar and then select "Open"


Outlook online

To add your colleagues' calendars to your Outlook through the browser, follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Select "Add from directory"

3. Choose the email account you want to add a colleague's calendar to (usually, you will only see your own email address in the field)

4. Search for one or more of your colleagues and then select "Add"

Do you want to know more? Talk to Martin Sannel.

Martin Sannel | | LinkedIn

Martin is an IT support specialist at Azeo with a specialization in Mac systems. He offers expertise in customer service and technical assistance, particularly for users of Apple products, and aims to optimize their user experience.